Funeral Plans

Will Trust and Protect Ltd work with Golden Charter, the UK’s largest funeral plan provider. A funeral plan is a secure and cost-effective way of ensuring that your funeral is arranged and paid for in advance at today’s prices. It’s a thoughtful way to make things easier for your family at what is a distressing time. You’ll have arranged everything in advance; chosen your funeral director, specified your wishes and taken care of the funeral costs.

Sadly many of us will have to or will have already had to arrange a funeral for a loved one at some point in our lives. The recent SunLife Cost of Dying report* highlighted that as a nation we are uncomfortable talking about death or dying and yet not having these conversations makes it much harder for us to ensure that we are giving our loved ones the send-off that they would have wanted. This reluctance is not only causing us emotional issues but financial ones too.
At Will Trust and Protect Ltd we can help you to choose from a number of plan options to match your budget and preferences, and specify particular requirements within those options. You can decide everything in advance if you wish, down to the kind of music you’d like.

Why should you consider taking out a funeral plan?

Avoid rising funeral costs

Taking a decision now to plan for your funeral and to cover funeral costs at today’s prices could save you and your family money. While the average cost of a funeral in 2004 was £1,920, today it’s £3,897.* That’s an increase of 103% – well above inflation. At this rate, in another 10 years, the average cost of a funeral could be more than £7,000.**A funeral plan from Golden Charter lets you fix the cost of the funeral director’s services included in your plan at today’s prices. There will be nothing more to pay for these services, no matter how much costs rise.

Planning your arrangements

You can choose from a number of plan options to match your budget and preferences, and specify particular requirements within those options. You can decide everything in advance if you wish, down to the kind of music you’d like – and there’s no charge for changing or updating your wishes at a later stage.***
Security and simplicity


When you take out a funeral plan, you have the reassurance that your money is protected. You can be sure that, whatever happens, there will be sufficient funds available for your funeral to take place as specified in the plan. Your money is paid into the Golden Charter Trust, which is run by an independent board of Trustees, or into a life assurance policy.
Taking out a plan is a simple and thoughtful way to provide for your family and take care of things you would prefer not to pass on after you’ve gone, such as funeral costs and the stress of making the detailed arrangements. Instead you give your family the comfort and reassurance that they are carrying out your specific wishes.
At Will Trust and Protect Ltd we are here to help you create the best possible plan to ensure your wishes are followed after your death. The first step would be to arrange an appointment with one of our experienced consultants who will talk you through the whole process and explain everything as they proceed.

To arrange an initial consultation, contact us on either 0345 257 9827 or 01452 615233
or at



*SunLife Cost of Dying Report 2016
**Golden Charter projections based on SunLife Cost of Dying Report 2016
***Please note plans paid for by fixed monthly payments do not allow the same flexibility. Some requests may come at an additional cost, for example physical additions to the plan such as extra limousines. See terms and conditions for more details.